Richard Virer, renowned Sales Director at Numiet, launches a new captivating podcast titled “WatchAll”, an in-depth exploration of the complex mechanisms of luxury watches. This podcast promises to offer a unique and detailed insight into the technical and artistic intricacies of watchmaking.

In “WatchAll”, Virer uses his expertise and passion for watchmaking to unveil the secrets of the most prestigious watches. Each episode will focus on a different aspect of a watch’s mechanism, from traditional movements to the most modern innovations. This podcast is a true boon for watch enthusiasts and those seeking to understand what makes the heart and soul of a luxury watch.

With his charismatic voice and accessible approach, Virer will guide listeners through the complexities of watchmaking. Interviews with watchmakers, designers, and industry experts will enrich the discussions, offering diverse perspectives and fascinating anecdotes.

The “WatchAll” podcast is a celebration of the art of watchmaking, highlighting the importance of craftsmanship, precision, and innovation. Virer will also discuss current market trends, industry challenges, and the future evolution of chronometry.

Numiet, known for its commitment to excellence in watchmaking, fully supports this initiative, underscoring its role as a leader in the education and promotion of watch culture.

The “WatchAll” podcast is an invitation to dive into the fascinating world of luxury watches. Whether you are a seasoned collector or simply curious about how a watch works, this podcast promises to be an invaluable source of information.

Prepare to be captivated by the world of watchmaking like never before with “WatchAll” by Richard Virer.